Wednesday 13 October 2010

Introduction: A year in the life of a guatemalan missionary

            Packing up most of your stuff, including your dog, and moving to Central America for a year isn't something you do every day.  It gets even a bit more obscure when you do it solely because God told you too

            This blog is designed for three main purposes:
  1. To update and remain connected with friends, family, and kind people who are supporting me emotionally, financially, or prayerfully.
  2.  To portray a unique insight to the daily life in Guatemala, with a focus on the ministry of "Hogar De La Roca" through the eyes of this particular and peculiar American missionary.
  3. To show God's Glory, Greatness, and Love in action amongst people with so great a need,  that are yet so rich in the blessings of a beautiful land and culture.
 I hope to post often, if not nearly every day, but I ask for forgiveness if there are gaps and lapses as this blog is secondary to the demanding amount of actual work I will be doing over the next year.

It is my desire that in sharing my endeavor in this forum, that both myself and any potential participants will be led in some small way to contemplation, meditation, laughter, awe, or any other height or plateau of the human spectrum of emotion .  In short, I hope it makes us think, or feel something at some point.


1 comment:

  1. First!!! Bookmarked and soon to be added to my reader. I'm so glad you're doing this, both the blog and Guatemala. Praying for you, brother!
