Friday 5 November 2010

Y.C.I. Central America Convention!

     Every year in Guatemala a large group of American and Guatemalan missionaries come together under one united vision.  Luke 4: 18-19 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim the captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come."
     The lives of Bishop Raul and Pastor "Willie" Gonzales are evidence of this scripture and vision in action.  Their was a time however until Raul Gonzalez was about thirty years old when he was considered by friends and family to be a hopeless heroin addict with no future.  Overcoming much, Raul Gonzalez left a legacy of love in the hands of his wife and other faithful men and women committed to this vision as well as the many men, women, and children whose lives are made better by his ministries daily.  Here we will focus our attention geographically on just one small piece.
Youth Challenge of Guatemala
Youth Challenge of Guatemala operates under a regional board, under this board exist several Programs



  • Reto Juvenil de Guatemala/Youth Challenge of Guatemala (Hogar de la Roca)
This is where I am living and working as a missionary for the next year.  Like the original Youth Challenge program in Connecticut this is a faith-based residential center that helps individuals with life controlling problems such as substance abuse learn to lead productive and meaningful lives.
  • Nuevo Reto de Guatemala/New Challenge
Nuevo Reto (New Challenge) is a Christian ministry that reaches the street children in Guatemala. Founded in 1991, the mission aims to rescue kids from the streets and helping them to grow in a Christian family atmosphere. The program plans to operate in two phases; the first being a house for at least 40 kids under the age of twelve, the second- a house for boys older than twelve.
  • La Cocina de Amor/ The Love Kitchen
Cocina del Amor operates as a church and a program. the program have branches throughout Guatemala, Cuba, Nicaragua.
  • Libre Infancia/ Children in Freedom
Libre Infancia was founded in 1995. The program serves the children of families that live in the "Basurero Municipal" (city dump) in the capital city of Guatemala City. The program plans to be a small city, housing 500 children, 30 houses in addition to activities centers, health centers and other buildings.

  • Amigos del Pobre/ Friends of The Poor
  • Casa de Deborah/ Debroah House
This is a home just like Hogar de la Roca but for women.

The convention is held in honor of Raul and Willie Gonzalez, the programs they have begun, the people laying down their own lives to work at them, as well as those in need who are benefiting from them.

The Convention:
     The convention, which is held annually at the Hotel Camino Real, is a time of exhortation and building up.  The various leaders from the different programs as well as associated churches are involved with seminars, teachings, and often biblical preachings.  You need to have a lot of tools in your toolbox to be successfully sustained while laboring in one of these Guatemalan programs.  Here Pastor Willy Gonzalez, aided in translation by Chris Allende, is reminding those in attendance of the importance of patience. There were many opportunities to hear other very gifted and encouraging speakers as well.
     The convention is also a time for fundraising.  What you see are two men from Hogar de la Roca (Alfredo & Edgar), whose lives are in the process of being restored.  They are proudly holding shirts they helped hand screen themselves and are offering them for sale throughout the convention on behalf of our program.  Fundraising demands a lot of attention and creativity from the directors, leaders, and pastors in Guatemala.  This is vital not only to keeping the doors open, but also to keep them supplied with various essentials.  Our director Chris, is very good at thinking outside of the box.  He has learned for instance that American cologne bottles can be sold and recycled here in Guatemala, so he always has people bring them when they visit from the states.  He also breeds and sells puppies. 
     During the convention the are multiple "offerings" and financial gifts collected for all the Guatemalan programs.  The convention is a much needed and greatly anticipated financial boost for ministries that often go without so many things year round.
     The convention is a time for banquets, good food, and fellowship!  And in many ways, this is where the heart of the convention lies.  It can be arduous and desolate, to be a missionary in a third world country.  Their are times when the connected Guatemalan programs are so enraptured in their own schedule that fellowship lacks even between local ministries.  And if your from America, the truth that you are literally thousands of miles from home has the capacity to weigh fairly heavy upon you at times.  The convention is a reminder that there are people who appreciate you, and your sacrifice.  Both the Guatemalan and American missionaries go out of their way to mutually show their vast appreciation for each other.  It's commonplace at the convention to see groups of people feasting, praying together, holding impromptu meetings, and encouraging each other in many various ways. All the ministries are visited by the American missionary team, there are day trips and leisure activities, as well as different outreach and church services attended.
Lunch in Antigua
     I knew Lou Guerra before the convention from church.  Lou is an upbeat and positive person who is always eager to help and serve someone in whatever capacity he is able.  It is no wonder he was recently made a deacon at our church Glory Chapel Intl.  I got to spend a lot of time with Lou this past week.  He is the type of guy who pays his own way to Guatemala, and then volunteers some of his very limited free time to be part of a small team who came to my program to exterminate roaches and help fix our toilets.  He was always there to lay hands and pray for me as I was struggling with parasites during the whole convention, he bought me a beautiful lunch, and was just a complete blessing to myself and everyone around him.
     And it wasn't just Lou.  The whole missionary team displayed this same attitude consistently throughout the whole week.  I, being a Christian, love to see scripture come to life. Being surrounded by so many beautiful people i was reminded of  Galatians 5:22  "The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.
     Anyone is capable, regardless of the faith they adopt, to display theses characteristics in their life at one time or another.  Christians however, must learn to genuinley display these "fruits" regardless of how they are feeling or what their circumstances may be dictating.  Of course this isn't easily done on our own, that is why the scripture begins with "The Holy Spirit Produces..."
     You find too many "Christians" today bombing abortion clinics, protesting gay funerals, and verbally condemning people to hell.  All of which is completely Anti-Christ, unbiblical, and in many cases even unlawful.  If more Christians would just work on their "fruit." Without saying a word, a life lived that is full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control, can speak volumes to Christians and non Christians alike about a more excellent way of life that we posses the power to carry out daily.  This missionary team of hardworking people used their vacation time to come serve, encourage, and bless people in another land.  The local pastors, directors, and missionaries here in Guatemala, lay down their lives daily to continue this vision that was first for Jesus, and now for anyone who chooses to adopt it.
Luke 4: 18-19 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim the captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come."

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